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Does Cosmetic Dentistry Hurt?

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drortiz @ 10:08 pm
A woman having her teeth examined by a dentist.

If you’ve been considering getting a cosmetic dentistry procedure but have held off over fears that the treatment you want could be painful, there’s good news. Most treatments are very comfortable, and many can even be done without any anesthesia at all. If you’re interested in improving your smile, don’t let anxiety hold you back from achieving your dreams. Here’s what you can expect from these popular cosmetic procedures!

Cosmetic Bonding

Bonding is a beautiful, durable way to restore worn, chipped, or broken teeth. It can be done right in your dentist’s office and uses the same composite that is used in tooth-colored fillings. The entire procedure is painless, requires no downtime, and should not cause any discomfort or sensitivity after treatment.


Installing veneers is another pain-free procedure, however in order for your veneers to fit properly your dentist will need to remove a thin layer of tooth enamel before your impressions can be made. This is usually well tolerated with local anesthesia; however, you could experience mild tooth sensitivity until your permanent veneers are ready to be attached (usually in about two weeks).


Invisalign aligners are the clear alternative when it comes to braces. They can even work faster than traditional braces, and many patients find them much more comfortable. Still, all orthodontic work has the potential to cause a little discomfort because your teeth must move into a new position. Thankfully, however, it is usually well managed with over-the-counter pain medicine and usually subsides on its own within a few days of changing your aligner.

Zoom! Teeth Whitening

Zoom! Teeth whitening is a fast, effective way to lighten your teeth up to eight shades in about an hour. Though it is painless and does not require anesthesia, you may experience some minor sensitivity to heat and cold for a few days following your treatment. Thus, to reduce your risk of this, avoid anything with an excessive temperature in either direction or if you do notice any discomfort, try an over-the-counter pain medication for relief.

Remember, any type of cosmetic procedure has the potential to cause minor sensitivity or discomfort, however many treatments will not. If you are at all concerned about experiencing pain, speak to your dentist to discuss the risks and your options.

About Our Practice

At Painted Skies Dental Center, we want our patients to love coming to the dentist. We treat every person like an individual, and work together with you to help customize your care. We understand that oral health and total body health go hand in hand, and we strive to educate our patients about how to best protect their smiles through excellent hygiene practices.

To schedule an appointment for cosmetic dentistry, please visit our website or contact us today at 575-521-8720.