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3 Classic Summer Foods That Dental Implants Let You Eat

June 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drortiz @ 6:02 am
Someone eating an apple

One of the best things about dental implants is their strength. They afford patients a much more powerful bite than they can get from other methods of tooth replacement, which in turn allows them to eat a much more expansive diet.

If you’ve recently gotten dental implants, you’ll find that you’ll be able to eat a much wider variety of foods this summer than you would be able to otherwise. Here are some summer foods that you can look forward to.

Steaks & Porkchops

Once the weather starts to warm up, firing up the grill can seem almost irresistible. If you’ve long suffered from tooth loss you probably haven’t been able to enjoy barbecues to the fullest, especially if they feature chewier meats like steak.

Dental implants, however, are adhered directly to the jawbone. This means that you can chew up steak and pork chops without worrying about your restoration budging even an inch.

Corn on the Cob

Speaking of barbecues, sides can really steal the show if they’re done correctly. Mashed potatoes and potato salad can all be incredible, but now that you have dental implants, your horizons can expand greatly.

One thing you might not have been able to fully enjoy is corn on the cob, which can be hard to chew if you aren’t confident in the stability of your restoration. With dental implants, that isn’t something you have to worry about.

Still, it’s worth noting that you still should be careful not to bite into the cob itself, as this can still damage your remaining teeth.


Popsicles are associated with beautiful memories for most people, but if you’re missing teeth it can be hard to chew them with confidence. Moreover, people suffering from tooth decay or serious gum disease might suffer from serious sensitivity, which makes it incredibly difficult to really enjoy something cold in the summertime.

Now that you have dental implants and you’re in good oral health, you should be able to enjoy ice cream and popsicles without worry. Just be sure not to overindulge, and brush your teeth thoroughly when you’re done.

About Our Practice

At Painted Skies Dental Center, we believe that excellent dentistry can afford people a better life. We make that happen by not only providing our patients with incredible oral healthcare, but doing so while maintaining your happiness and comfort. We’re a dental practice that people genuinely enjoy visiting, and we’re always proud to be a place where our patients can feel completely at ease.

If you have any questions about what dental implants can do for you, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (575) 521-8720.