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What Are the Most Common Oral Health Conditions?

March 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drortiz @ 7:56 pm
Illustration of gingivitis

Did you know that some oral health conditions are among the most common health problems on Earth? This is particularly unfortunate because many of these problems can be completely prevented with proper oral hygiene and regular visits to a dentist’s office. Here’s a brief list of some of the most widespread oral health problems, the effects they have on people’s well-being, and what you and your dentist can do to prevent or treat them.

Stay Away from Tooth Decay

The human mouth hosts a thriving ecosystem of bacteria, and not all of them are friendly. These harmful germs feed on lingering food debris and sugary residues, which allows them to multiply rapidly and cause oral infections. One of these infections is tooth decay, and while it can be reversed when it is in the very early stage of a pre-cavity spot, once a cavity forms it will not get better on its own. Without treatment, the tooth will eventually be lost. The germs can also spread to other teeth or even other parts of the body, causing dangerous secondary infections like sepsis.

Life Isn’t a Breeze with Gum Disease

Another dangerous oral infection is gum disease, which begins when harmful oral bacteria begin to irritate the part of the gums surrounding the teeth called the gingiva. When this tissue becomes inflamed, the patient has gingivitis. While gingivitis can usually be treated with improved oral hygiene, it will eventually become periodontitis if allowed to progress. Periodontitis causes permanent damage to the gums and jawbones, resulting in gum erosion, tooth loss, and potentially dangerous secondary infections.

Tooth Loss Has a Heavy Cost

The teeth all work together to provide optimal chewing force, and the loss of one can result in significant oral health consequences. The loss of a tooth means that the other teeth will have to bear its share of the chewing pressure, which can cause damage like chipping or cracking. To make matters worse, the jawbone that supported a lost tooth will begin to atrophy due to a lack of exercise, and it can pull the neighboring teeth out of alignment as it recedes. Poorly aligned teeth are harder to clean and easier to injure, meaning that they become more likely to be lost.

The best way to prevent all of these extremely unpleasant ailments is to practice excellent oral hygiene while seeing your dentist for regular checkups. A proper dental cleaning regimen includes brushing, flossing, and using antibacterial mouthwash every day, and seeing a dentist will allow them to catch and treat problems in their early stages before they lead to serious oral health consequences.

About the Practice

Painted Skies Dental Center provides excellent oral health services to the community of Las Cruces, NM. Led by Drs. Natalie and Ramon Ortiz, the staff ensures that each patient receives the holistic and compassionate care they deserve. Areas of expertise include general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry. To schedule your next dental appointment, contact the office online or dial (575) 521-8720.