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Teeth Whitening in Las Cruces Brightens Summer Smiles

May 25, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:18 pm

Teeth whitening in Las Cruces is safe and very effective.Healthy tooth enamel yellows over time. Teeth whitening in Las Cruces lifts stains from deep within your tooth structure, producing a dazzling smile quickly and comfortably. Look years younger in time for summer with a cosmetic dentistry consultation at Painted Skies Dental Center where Drs. Ramon and Natalie Ortiz really love bringing out the best in your oral health and smile aesthetics.



Sedation Dentistry in Las Cruces Stops Dental Fear

May 6, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:15 pm

Sedation dentistry in Las Cruces alleviates dental phobia.Are you fearful of going to the dentist? Your dentist in Las Cruces, Dr. Ramon Ortiz and Dr. Natalie Ortiz, understands how easily both children and adults can fall prey to dental phobia. So, they have created a patient-friendly environment at Painted Skies Dental Center and offer sedation dentistry options to calm and sooth so you can get your treatments done. The result will be a happy and healthy smile!

